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Read a letter from Executive Director Marcia Wright-Soika about a transformational gift we received from a generous community member and how it will empower us to make critical investments to serve our community more effectively, enhance our infrastructure, and address sector-wide challenges of equity and fairness in the compensation of human service workers by prioritizing wage equity for our staff.

Last week, FamilyWorks Executive Director Marcia Wright-Soika spoke at the groundbreaking for a new affordable housing development in Ballard, where FamilyWorks will provide family support services for residents. Click below to read her full remarks and learn more about our new partnership with BRIDGE Housing and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church!

We’ve launched a series of posts on our website diving deeper into our renewed mission, bold vision, and organizational values. Each week, you can read messages from our staff and board members about our values and how we embody them at FamilyWorks. Kicking off the series is our Executive Director Marcia Wright-Soika, with some background on the Strategic Plan process and the development of our mission and vision.

Marcia Wright-Soika,
Executive Director of FamilyWorks


Putting a Bold New Vision Within Reach

During the summer of 2020, I joined FamilyWorks at a time of tremendous change. We were transitioning from a founding executive director to only the second one we’ve ever had. We were just at the end of a strategic plan when the world around us changed overnight with a global pandemic, and we saw the sharpest increase we have ever experienced of families in need of our services, especially basic needs.

FamilyWorks needs our closest donor community alongside us from the beginning as we embark on this campaign together. Leadership gifts are critical to funding early work, inspiring gifts from others, and building momentum for fundraising.


An unrestricted gift to the Nourishing Communities campaign funds every element of the vision and empowers the leadership to prioritize your funds to the highest and best use.

Because these major facilities and program investments will take 2-3 years to complete, we invite you to consider the full amount you can commit to giving over this time period, which allows you flexibility while giving us confidence in our plan.

In addition to cash, it is often a good financial strategy to give gifts of appreciated stock, direct an IRA charitable distribution, or leverage a donor advised fund or corporate match. Our professional staff is able to explore these options with you to maximize your impact.


With early support from public funds and lead donors, we have already commenced construction and building. Right now, funds are critically needed to ensure our vision is completed.

If you are our neighbor and supporter, share in our vision for this community and invest in establishing these facilities and programs that will transform lives for decades to come. 


“I love volunteering at the food bank. It is my happy place. I look forward to my volunteer days every week. It grounds me in this chaotic time. I’ve just been so proud to serve on the board and as a volunteer in a place that is totally focused on helping people.”

  • Alison, Volunteer

Support the Nourishing Communities Campaign today by making a gift. Thanks for being our supporter today!

Fill in this secure form to donate with a credit card or ACH/bank transfer.

You can mail cash, a check or money order made payable to FamilyWorks to this address. We will send a receipt to you by mail:

Attn: Giving
P.O. Box 85420
Seattle, WA 98145

You can make a stock transfer gift to support our work. For more information about how to make a stock gift, follow these instructions.

We are happy to accept donations made via Donor Advised Funds (DAF) through organizations such as the Seattle Foundation, Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and others. If you have any questions about making a gift through your DAF, please reach out to us at

Donors with DAFs through Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon can use the form below.

We very much appreciate “instant” donations online, but we also love to hear from our supporters on the phone or in person, to get to know them better. And, if you want to give stock, or provide a corporate match, you can work directly with one of our staff. So, call us or email us to schedule a time to drop off a donation in person – we’d love to get to know you!

(206) 647-1770

We Give Our Sincere Thanks to Our Supporters

Senanu Aggor
Anonymous (5)
Emory Baldwin
Bank of America
Bellwether Housing
Michael Billish
Blessed Sacrament Church
Shanda Boyett & Pink Bonnstetter
Emory Bundy
Anindita Chatterjee and Navonil De Sarkar
Deseret Industries
Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound
Enterprise Community Partners Inc.
Jean Feagin
Joshua Green Foundation
Rahul & Kauita Gupta
Ruchika Gupta
Brianna Jackson
Rep. Pramila Jayapal Congressionally Directed Spending
Laura Lahm
Frances C. Marshall and Chuck Lare
Lora and Parker Mason
Pamela McCabe
Mari McLellan
Del Miller
Muckleshoot Charitable Fund
Marilyn Nicolai
John Olson & Colleen Dillon
Alison and Lee Parsons
Alessandra Pollock
Geoffrey T. Prentiss
Puget Sound Energy Foundation
Jennifer Rogers
Sara Ruffner
Solid Ground
Sunderland Foundation
Kevin Tamura
Billy Viluan-McLendon
WA State Legislature Local Community Project
Wallingford Presbyterian Church
Washington Dept of Commerce Building Communities Fund
Jake Weber and Kevin Kane
William E. Wockner Foundation

Senanu Aggor
Anonymous (5)
Emory Baldwin
Bank of America
Bellwether Housing
Michael Billish
Blessed Sacrament Church
Shanda Boyett & Pink Bonnstetter
Emory Bundy
Anindita Chatterjee and Navonil De Sarkar
Deseret Industries
Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound
Enterprise Community Partners Inc.
Jean Feagin
Joshua Green Foundation
Rahul & Kauita Gupta
Ruchika Gupta
Brianna Jackson
Rep. Pramila Jayapal Congressionally Directed Spending
Laura Lahm
Frances C. Marshall and Chuck Lare
Lora and Parker Mason

Pamela McCabe
Mari McLellan
Del Miller
Muckleshoot Charitable Fund
Marilyn Nicolai
John Olson & Colleen Dillon
Alison and Lee Parsons
Alessandra Pollock
Geoffrey T. Prentiss
Puget Sound Energy Foundation
Jennifer Rogers
Sara Ruffner
Solid Ground
Sunderland Foundation
Kevin Tamura
Billy Viluan-McLendon
WA State Legislature Local Community Project
Wallingford Presbyterian Church
Washington Dept of Commerce Building Communities Fund
Jake Weber and Kevin Kane
William E. Wockner Foundation

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