Workplace giving programs can be a convenient way to make your donation to FamilyWorks. In addition, many employers will match employee donations, doubling the impact!

Options for Giving Through Your Workplace

Matching Gifts

Many corporations match employee donations dollar for dollar, or more! Some companies even match their employee’s volunteer time! Visit the FamilyWorks Double the Donation page to find out if your employer will match your donation.

Payroll Deduction

This is an easy and popular way to support FamilyWorks one-time or year-round. You simply instruct your employer to deduct a certain amount from your paycheck either once, or each pay period, and direct it to FamilyWorks.

How to Give At Your Workplace

Giving requirements vary depending on your workplace. Here are some helpful tips to get involved!

Corporate Workplaces

If you work for one of the many corporations that include FamilyWorks in their workplace giving programs, find us on your payroll pledge form or write in “FamilyWorks” as a specific designation.

Government Workplaces

If you work at a government agency, such as the State of Washington, state universities, City of Seattle, King County, and many other counties and cities, you can find FamilyWorks listed in the campaign catalog.

Once you have found us, write our code number on your payroll pledge form. If your agency has no catalog, ask your campaign coordinator how you may designate your gift to FamilyWorks.

Giving Codes:
King County Employee Giving Program (KCEGP): 9629
University of Washington Combined Fund Drive (CFD): 0452566

United Way Campaigns

If FamilyWorks is not listed by your employer in your workplace giving campaign, you can designate FamilyWorks in the “Specific Organization” or “donor option” section of our United Way pledge form. Ask your campaign coordinator how to do this if it is not clear.

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