What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 9

In our ninth and final entry to our April Storytelling series we’re featuring one of our fantastic community partners, Jordan Schwartz. You may know Jordan as the founder of the Wallyhood blog.

Jordan believes FamilyWorks’ model of service is unique and is having a profound impact on our community. In his video Jordan shares what he believes sets FamilyWorks apart from other service organizations.

FamilyWorks Stories – Jordan from Family Works on Vimeo.

Tomorrow is GiveBIG!

You can help us nourish, connect and empower our most vulnerable neighbors even more tomorrow by making a donation through GiveBIG.

Give Big FW IVTomorrow only, when you make a donation to FamilyWorks through the Seattle Foundation website a percentage of your donation will be matched, increasing your impact on our community!

To join us and “Give Big”, click here tomorrow and go to the FamilyWorks page on the Seattle Foundation website and then click on the “Donate Now” link.

Thank you for joining us!

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