What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 8

Today’s Storytelling post features Lexie, one of FamilyWorks’ Family Advocates. Our family advocates provide individualized guidance, information, resources, and support to assist individuals and families in meeting their basic needs and their long term goals.

In her video, Lexie talks about the work she does with families and also shares why FamilyWorks’ programs are so meaningful to her.

You can read about how Lexie helped one family access housing resources here. To find out more about the Family Advocate program go here.

FamilyWorks Stories – Lexi from Family Works on Vimeo.


Give Big FW IVGiveBIG is coming on May 5th!

If you make a donation to FamilyWorks through the Seattle Foundation website on May 5th a percentage of your donation will be matched!

Hope you can join us!

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