What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 4

For the fourth installment in our April storytelling series Leah, a former FamilyWorks intern, talks about what makes FamilyWorks so special to her. During the summer of 2014 Leah led our Parent/Child Playgroups as well our Reading Rocks program. One of the things that made her experience at FamilyWorks so special was the “reciprocal learning” she experienced. As much as Leah was in a teaching role she felt she learned as much or more from the children and adults she was working with.

To find out more about our Parent/Child Playgroups click here, and to find out more about our Reading Rocks program click here.

GiveBIG is coming . . .

FamilyWorks Stories – Leah from Family Works on Vimeo.

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