What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 3

Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week!

To celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Week, and also continue our April storytelling series, today’s post features Clare and Carson, two of FamilyWorks amazing volunteers.

Did you know that in 2014 426 volunteers contributed over 8,500 hours of service to help us do the work of nourishing, connecting and empowering our most vulnerable neighbors? FamilyWorks is very fortunate to have such caring, thoughtful and dedicated volunteers without whom we would simply not be able to fulfill our mission. You can find out more about our volunteer program here.

On today’s video Clare and Carson share with us why they enjoy volunteering with FamilyWorks and what they feel FamilyWorks means to our community.

FamilyWorks Stories – Clare & Carson from Family Works on Vimeo.

GiveBIG is coming . . .

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