We’re Starting a New Empowerment Program

FamilyWorks is excited to announce the formation of an empowerment group, “Finding Strength through Loss“, focused on adults coping with loss.


People can experience loss in many ways— the death of a loved one, divorce, opportunities, housing or access to their children. The purpose of this group is to provide a safe place for people to unburden themselves of grief and find connection. Our focus will be to encourage mutual support among community members as we move through these losses.

We’d like to provide this powerful connection as a weekly or biweekly open meeting, TBD by the members attending. Any adult 18+ is welcome to join. The group’s first meeting is Tues, Feb. 14th from 2:30-3:30 pm and will meet in the Cheryl Cobbs conference room located across from the food bank at our Wallingford location.

Any questions can be directed to Hayley Berra, MSW-C, at (206) 694-6842.

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