Wait, You Can Give To FamilyWorks By Shopping?

This post was written by FamilyWorks Volunteer Helen Eastwood.

FamilyWorks participates in both the AmazonSmile and Fred Meyers Community Rewards programs. Both programs provide FamilyWorks with a 0.5% donation for every purchase.

Do you already shop at Amazon? You can donate moneyindex-amazon to FamilyWorks simply by going to the website www.smile.amazon.com. Once there you must select FamilyWorks as the nonprofit to receive your 0.5% donation. Once you have done this you simply need to shop. Donations will automatically be delivered to FamilyWorks on a quarterly basis. This also applies if you have an Amazon Prime account.

Fred Meyers Community Rewards Programindex links your everyday rewards card to a nonprofit. You must first go to www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards and then you may select FamilyWorks as the nonprofit organization to benefit when you shop.

By linking your spending to donations to FamilyWorks you’ll know you are doing good every time you spend!

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