“Those Of Us In Need Are Not Alone.” Part 1 of 2

The following message was sent to Mike, our Food Banks Manager, from one of our Food Bank participants who receives food via our Grocery Delivery Program.  As you’ll see the FamilyWorks Grocery Delivery Program is an absolutely crucial resource for home-bound seniors and people living with disabilities who are also food-insecure.

“Hello Mike,

First of all I want to thank you and everyone at FamilyWorks Food Bank for your kindness and help these past couple of months. You provide not only food but perhaps more importantly, a feeling that those of us in need are not alone. That others do care.

As the subject line says I am food bank hands (from 2013 dinner video)also writing this to inform you I will be going into the hospital Thursday for surgery and from there into rehab for an unknown period of time and I will not need the food stuffs you folks have so kindly been providing to me.

However, if at all possible I would like to have your people stop by and pick up food I was not able to use from you. It would please me greatly to be able to give back knowing it will go to those truly in need. Please either reply to this by email or, feel free to call me at ——–.

Thank you once again for your generosity and kindness. If we don’t speak again I shall always remember the example and kindness you and FamilyWorks have shown me.


When you follow the Son you’re always in the Light . . .”

*(Name has been changed to protect the participant’s anonymity)

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