“This Is Our Favorite Place To Come.”

One of the lesser known gems of FamilyWorks’ programming is our Parent/Child Playgroups. “What is a ‘Parent/Child Playgroup?’” you say… Well, as Lauren Berntsen (our Family Programs Coordinator) tells us, “Some days, it’s really just a chance for children to play with other toys in a different environment and for parents to chat and relax a bit.  However, FamilyWorks’ playgroups consistently provide a great community for connecting, sharing and learning from one another.

While children are playing and playgroup3developing social and motor skills, vocabulary, routines, and more, parents and caregivers are creating a community of support.  Many are going through or have gone through similar experiences and often share parenting tips, resources and experiences with each other.  Children even share sometimes too. ;)”

As you can imagine, families love the playgroups. One parent recently told us, “This is our favorite place to come. My son asks for it by name and I love it because it’s such a great space and there is lots for him to do and I know Lauren can help me with the baby if I need to do something with my son.”

AND get this . . . FamilyWorksplaygroup9 even offers playgroups for Spanish and Japanese speaking families! How cool is that?!? Oh, and did I mention that all of the playgroups are entirely free? Yep, with no prior registration, necessary families can drop in for any of our scheduled playgroups.

Oh, Lauren wanted to add one more thing . . ., “If you’d like to come see what our playgroups are all about you can join us for a playgroup Tuesdays (11-12:30), Wednesdays and Fridays (10:30-12:00)!”

CLICK HERE if you’d like to read more about our playgroups OR check out this video about our playgroups that features our former Program Coordinator Sarah Turner:


*GiveBIG is coming May 3rdCLICK HERE for more info about GiveBIG.

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