Some Ray of Light

FamilyWorks’ model of support, the marriage of a Food Bank and Family Resource Center, is unique but also profoundly impactful. This combination of programs can address families’ emergent needs but it also serves to help families achieve their long terms goals. The following testimonial from one of our participants speaks to just how vital these services are to our community and the resiliency of our vulnerable neighbors.

“I consider myself very fortunate to have found FamilyWorks at a time when I had nowhere else to turn.

My young son & I drove cross-country last year, in search of a better life here in Seattle. His dream was to study at a quality school, and enter into the innovative field of technology.  So we left South Carolina, in hope to fulfill his future aspirations.

“We are so fortunate to have found FamilyWorks. I personally, don’t know what I would have done, without them.”

It was difficult to find a place here with no job yet, so I advanced all of my savings to secure a local apartment.  However, I soon found out that it was full of black mold. We had to leave having nowhere else to go, and left many contaminated things behind.

We found ourselves suddenly living out of our car, and desperate for help and information on how to get out of our dilemma. Hotels and restaurants were not possible.

By some ray of light, we drove past FamilyWorks, and stopped in. We were extremely happy to find their generous Food Bank, distributing healthy cooking items, as well as ready to eat meals.
Family Works not only helped us out with provisions, but also gave me direction and important information on how to get my housing situation resolved, and get resettled. Rental information, job assistance, medical programs, and more were all right there.

With their help, we were able to keep our health by eating well, get my old landlord to refund my rent, find and move into a new apartment, and get our lives back on track.

I now have a pleasant job, my son is excelling in school, and we still come by FamilyWorks greeted always with smiles.

We are so fortunate to have found FamilyWorks. I personally, don’t know what I would have done, without them.”

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