It’s been a long time since we have had some formal feedback from our participants. We are hoping that participants will feel more comfortable giving us feedback if they are asked to do so by a familiar, friendly face and that would be you. If you have some time, outside of your usual volunteering shift, we would appreciate you signing up for a shift or two or three.

Sign up below...

Tuesday March 22nd 11:45-2:15#1: Sheryl T.
#2: Barb L.
Thursday March 24th 2:45-6:15#1: Ali P.
Friday March 25th 10:45-1:15#1:
Tuesday March 29th 11:45-2:15#1: Rachel R.
#2: Valerie R.
Thursday March 31st 2:45-6:15#1: Sheryl T.
#2: Margreet d.
Friday April 1st 10:45-1:15#1: ANINDITA C.

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