The following post was written by Mandy Levenberg, a FamilyWorks supporter and parent of students who recently participated in a school-wide effort to procure items for customers of FamilyWorks.
Every spring my daughters Zoe and Stella’s school picks a civic area to focus on for a CAP (community action project) and this year they focused on giving to our local community, to FamilyWorks, the food bank and family resource center here in Wallingford. Zoe’s teacher Ms. Margie challenged the kids to think about what their individual contribution would be for this all-school project. Zoe wrote me a letter asking me to help her with her decided activity: she wanted to stand in front of the QFC grocery store and collect peanut butter and diapers for FamilyWorks.

The kids have been learning about what are the most needed items at the food bank and it sounds like peanut butter and diapers are the two biggest needed items. Zoe made really great posters that explained the project, she and I worked on a handout that explained what FamilyWorks does, then we headed to QFC.

Zoe was great she actually pitched a bunch of people walking into the store to buy diapers or peanut butter and give it to us on the way out. People were incredibly generous and the final tally of all of the donations was 33 jars of peanut butter and 21 packs if diapers! I couldn’t be prouder of my girls and of our community for being so generous -what a great learning experience for everyone!
P.S. – I should mention- the manager Scott at QFC was more than helpful. We sprung this on him and he was great about finding us a space outside . Great community effort!!!