Running for FamilyWorks Food Bank

The following message was sent to us from Conrad Smith, a longtime Food Bank volunteer, who has organized a community campaign fundraiser for FamilyWorks. Just like Conrad, you too can support FamilyWorks in your own unique way! Visit the Choose Your Own Adventure page to see how your fundraising idea can benefit FamilyWorks.

Hello FamilyWorks Community. My name is Conrad Smith. I’ve been around this community for a while, helping out in several capacities. I’ve been a runner for YEARS and after many miles and lots of good living, had to have a full hip replacement.conrad smith 3

That was in December. Well, I’m already back to running and now I can run up to five miles just five months after getting a brand new hip. I figure the best way to give back is to put my new hip to some fundraising use, so this July, I will join 11 others from my company (Corporate Visions) to run the 196 mile, Pacific Northwest Passage relay from the Peace Arch to Langley (Whidbey Island).

I’ll be raising money for my favorite local charity  – FamilyWorks in Wallingford. I’ve attached a more recent picture of me helping out in the food bank, but if you go to the link below, you’ll get to see a picture of me that may bring a smile (or a laugh). Please take a look at the link and donate what you can – thanks.

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