Join our Merridy Williams Society, a planned giving program

Your legacy gift will ensure that FamilyWorks can continue to support and nourish our community. You may make a bequest or gift through your estate by including a provision in your will or living trust to FamilyWorks. You will automatically become a member of the Merridy Williams Society.

Please let us know if you’ve already included FamilyWorks in your will or living trust so we can say thank you and acknowledge your membership in the Merridy Williams Society!

If you would like more information about making a bequest or other planned gift, please contact Marcia Wright-Soika: (206) 647-1785 /

What Our Legacy Donors Say

I cannot give monthly right now. But I can do something for later. Designating FamilyWorks in my will is a pot of gold that will fulfill an immediate need whenever that time comes.

– Cathy Sander, former FamilyWorks board member

About the Merridy Williams Society

Merridy and her husband, Heustin, volunteered for many years at the FamilyWorks Food Bank, and found hundreds of ways to make a difference in the lives of people who used the food bank. They brought produce from their garden and handed out “starts” for people to grow their own. They came dressed as Santa at Christmas and passed out toys to the children. Each hour they worked at the food bank was an opportunity for them to share a conversation, stories and their positive spirit. 

In 2007 Merridy Williams left a bequest to FamilyWorks through her will. 

This “surprise” gift allowed us to purchase and install the large freezer and refrigerator in the food bank, pre-pay our food bank rent for several years, and place more than half of the money in an interest bearing account earmarked for the food bank in times of great need. What a legacy!

In honor of this significant gift, we have established The Merridy Williams Society to give our supporters a way to make strategic gifts that will help assure the future of FamilyWorks as a resource for those in need for as long as necessary.

Like Merridy and Heustin, we thank you for strengthening individuals and families through your investment.

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