The Family Alliance for Resource & Engagement (FARE) was launched last year as a pilot program to establish a Participant Advisory Committee at FamilyWorks. This committee is a vital part of our work, and an important focus of our Strategic Plan for 2024-26. We stopped by the February FARE meeting to speak with seven members of the committee to learn more about their experiences in the first several months of FARE.
Why did you decide to join the FARE?
Ann: Why did I join the FARE? I was invited to participate, and I just saw it as an opportunity to contribute to a program that’s really been there for my family. Even when I didn’t realize I needed support, they’re always, I feel like FamilyWorks is always forward thinking. They’re thinking ahead and seeing the scope of what family needs are. And I just thought it was a great opportunity to participate and contribute.
Claudia: I joined in kind of the same way. Just, I’ve been part of FamilyWorks for a while, and I also just wanted to be more involved in the back scenes of kind of, you know, what’s going.
Olga: With me when I saw this, possibility, to try to become a member of PAC, as it was called at first, I was so excited. So it was just so nice to not only get something, but also give something, so I think it’s amazing that we all are here.
Sophia: I joined fair because I live here [at Cedar Crossing], and I want to know what’s going on in my community and try to help out and also because I’m a stay at home mom, and I wanted to do something to get out of the house and help out the community, and do something.
Grace: I see it as an opportunity to, to kind of get back to the community who kind, who helped me and is there for me whenever I need something.
Khansaa: So I first [joined] to communicate with the community and improve my English. My English is so bad. [From the group: Loving laughter and affirmations that Khansaa’s English is, in fact, very good!]
Barrington: So I was, invited by [former Family Resource Center Manager] Edsel to join to join FARE. I didn’t know how it was going to work out, because juggling family during the week, school and all. But, you know, it worked out fine. So I’m happy to be here.
So what’s your favorite part about being a part of the FARE?
Ann: My favorite part I would say is just, being informed and also, participating in contributing what are views are or ideas or just being allowed to provide input and knowing that you guys are gathering the information, that you’re going to utilize it and apply it in the implementation for other programs. So I think that’s why I’m excited to be here. That’s the main thing. Connecting with parents and stuff. That’s an added benefit always, right? But mostly just feeling like I’m contributing to, like, the greater needs of the community, like, because FamilyWorks just does so much for, I feel like thousands, I don’t know what the statistics are, but I just feel like FamilyWorks is like so essential to our community. And so that’s what excites me about being here.
Claudia: My favorite part about being here is kind of doing something out of my comfort zone, and something different and new, and also building relationships with people with different backgrounds and just connecting with all of you.
Olga: For me, my favorite part is to be involved, to do something. And, my kids adore these Wednesdays, they’re waiting and counting days. I didn’t know why, but it’s like the favorite day. [The FARE members eat dinner together and FamilyWorks provides child care so the FARE members can bring their children with them to meetings.]
Sophia: My favorite part would be the food… no just kidding :). But my favorite part is just to listen to everyone and share my opinions. Because like I said, you don’t really talk to adults. I’m always home, so it’s nice to be out and listen to other people’s opinions and give my opinion.
Grace: My favorite part of being here is, just being in a different environment on Wednesday night, with the FamilyWorks team and the FARE colleagues. It’s like, some kind of rewind for me. Like a self-care. Just getting out of the house and dealing with just grown ups. And it’s also extended my community involvement and my circle. And, I get to see the behind the scenes of what’s going on with this, community program. And it gives you more idea and more appreciation of the work that FamilyWorks does for the community.
Khansaa: So my favorite part about being here is communicating with others and my children with me have fun at the same time.
Barrington: My favorite part is just seeing how things work in the back. I mean, we go to the food bank or wherever we get services, and we see that end of it. But this is kind of like, seeing a little bit of the of the background work. So, yeah, that’s always fun.
What’s the most interesting or impactful work or thing that you’ve done, as a part of the committee, so far for you?
Ann: So I’m not sure exactly how some of the information gathering has been applied, but I will say, you know, it’s, I don’t know how many months we’ve been into it, but I remember being asked about, Winter Wishes, and I felt like that was incorporated a little bit during the experience because I got to participate. So, like, they had games and, you know, things that kind of create bonding for families. And then also, I know it went out where, families could participate in Wild Lantern. I don’t know if that was a result of, you know, kind of the input I provide it, but so I’m assuming that the information is being utilized. So that I would equate as being impactful. And I would say something that’s interesting is just kind of hearing the updates about what’s going on in different categories from the staff themself. I feel more informed. So I find that interesting and definitely the colleagues. I think everyone here has a really unique background. And, that to me is really fun.
FamilyWorks School Community Resource Navigator and FARE Advisor Renée Pierce adds: I would say the Wild Lanterns was a result of what was said in here. And so yeah, we did implement it that way.
Claudia: Interesting for me, is just learning that everybody’s backgrounds are so unique and just learning more about just in general, about everybody is very interesting. When we listen to our stories, we kind of all like have something in common at the end. So that’s very interesting.
Olga: I think, participation in subcommittees for me was very interesting. Especially, to hear from other colleagues, their thoughts and ideas, and these things. And it’s really brilliant how in a couple minutes people do so much. And I also like to see what they can cook, that’s fun. For me, it’s very interesting to bring something that we eat, you know, your culture.
Sophia: For me, I shared some ideas about like teens and like, I know you guys are doing a teen thing right now [Teen Resource Fair], so it’s kind of cool because I was like, oh, they don’t have any team programs. And I mentioned maybe we should get some teen stuff and then it’s working. So, I like that. I’m not sure it’s because of me, but I’m happy to hear that they’re putting stuff on for teenagers instead of just little kids. And so I feel like that’s like the, impactful work that I’ve done.
Grace: I’m really not sure what’s the impact I’ve done, maybe we just don’t see it, yet. But I feel like the ideas and the insights that we share in this room every month is, somehow, somewhat contributes to FamilyWork’s inner workings. And I’m really hoping it would be, helping, to run these programs.
Khansaa: So, what’s interesting to me is think about what’s the next step. How should we put our touch to help community out or what are we doing for the next step? This is interesting to me.
Barrington: I’m not sure exactly how much impact we’re having. But, I know just by being here, being a part of this, it must have some impact. And so I’ll leave it for others to determine. But I know we do!
Any hopes or dreams you might have for the future of the FARE?
Claudia: I think for me it’s growth. I think it’s growing so much. Just being involved in FamilyWorks and spreading the word to people I’ve met. People that don’t know about FamilyWorks. Just having the knowledge to share with new people and then have them come. It’s nice to have. So just, I think just passing information down to those that don’t know it.
Ann: I would say the hope for me is that, the next cohort will be as dynamic as I thought this one has been. This is a great dynamic group and that I hope, it continues in that way.
Olga: And maybe people will come more and more participation.
Sophia: I feel like it would be nice if we could, like, do more hands on thing next time instead of like, meeting, like maybe like we can all do something together, like, not like for us, but for, like, me, maybe, like, even if it’s, like, clean up the neighborhood or something. So that way, like, we do something like hands on for the future.
Grace: I’ve always dreamed that, this committee will be a regular program. Since I heard in the beginning it was a pilot or maybe experimental program. So I’m hoping that, we are giving a good, impact or growth for FamilyWorks, that it will be enough to continue through the next years.
Khansaa: So I have hopes for the development and relief for the community. And like, life coach, not just help for food, but help for development to create a better self. And I don’t know how to say it in English very well, but, not just in Washington. To go outside Washington, and to other countries, like the Middle East, where I was born, Africa or something. Any countries in need of help, for relief and development.
Barrington: I’m hoping we can set a standard for the future of whatever reiteration of FARE. So that we set a good baseline for the next group.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with the people who might be reading this?
Ann: I would just say that it is actually nice to kind of have the, routine of coming monthly, because I’ll say for myself this week, I really did not want to come in, but I’m glad that I’m in this space. And it’s a really positive space to connect and, some of like the off topic things that I’ve learned, just like just different programming that you guys participate in, like I learned about a doula program that I might expand my professional scope in from Claudia. So I just think, like, you know, continuing to step outside our comfort zone is a good model for our kids. So if anyone’s thinking about participating in FARE, I would highly recommend it.
Claudia: I think for me, our lives are so busy in general, and people don’t take time to volunteer and five that time. And it’s very, what’s the word, gratifying, to teach kids to give their time to volunteer as well, help give back and not just be like on the receiving end of it. So just I think that’s for me, it’s a big thing in our family. Like we have to give and not just receive in a way.
Olga: I would like just to say thank you, for everything!
Grace: I feel like that this, the creation of this committee just proves how much FamilyWorks cares about the community and the work they do. It’s always based on the needs of the participants. They always, aim to improve, the work they do. And that’s why this community is created.
Barrington: I think, we’re living in trying times. And sometimes people get caught up in the whole politics and it all boils down to economics, you know. Most people, they’re so into their own space that sometimes they don’t know that there’s help. There are places like FamilyWorks that are there to give a hand. So, I’m hoping it continues, that we we have more reaching out to the community.