“I feel very lucky and extremely grateful.”

The following is a brief testimonial from one of our neighbors in Greenwood who utilizes the Greenwood Food Resource Center. It can be easy to make assumptions about why someone may need to access free food at a Food Bank, but this person’s story demonstrates that any of us could find ourselves susceptible to food insecurity.

I’m probably not your idea of a typical food bank client. I’m well-educated, and an experienced employee. However, a combination of circumstances, along with health challenges, made me seek public assistance, including from the food bank. I’m currently unemployed.

Since the GFRC opened, I have visited almost weekly. The volunteers have always been friendly, courteous, and kind. The managers have taken a personal interest in my needs, and have always sought ways to help make my situation easier. The quality, quantity, and variety of food has been more than adequate and nutritious.

Without this assistance, I probably would not starve; however, the resource helps me save money that I can use for other essentials, including rent and health care. I feel very lucky and extremely grateful.

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