Help FamilyWorks Create a Happy Holiday for Children in Our Community!

If you are looking for meaningful ways for your family to help other struggling families this holiday season, consider engaging with the FamilyWorks Holiday Extravaganza!  Our goal is to be able to give parents of 200 children the opportunity to ‘shop’ for a gift for their child. You can help by donating NEW gifts for our Holiday Extravaganza!

If you are doing any shopping on Amazon or want some good ideas, check out our Amazon wish list. It has a variety of toys, art supplies and books. Select FamilyWorks for the destination and it will be shipped right to us!

Alternately, you can buy items when doing other shopping around your neighborhood and drop items off at FamilyWorks. We are looking for a variety of items for children ages 0 – 17.

Some ideas for gifts include:
* Warm clothes – ranging fromeng image baby to teen sizes/designs such as hooded sweatshirts, jackets, pants
* Shoes – ranging from baby to teen/adult sizes
* Kid-friendly art and craft supplies, journals, colored pens
* Stickers, sticker books, activity books
* Kids puzzles
* Dolls, including Disney themed toys
* Legos, small Lego kits
* Character/Themed toys such as Superheroes, Frozen, My Little Pony, etc.
* Science kits, STEM gifts (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
* Lip balm, nail polish, hair ties
* Ear phones/ear buds
* Children’s books: ranging from board/crinkle/baby books (English and Spanish) to young adult books
* Board games
* Gift cards to Target, Fred Meyer, Safeway etc. in $25 increments to provide a meal for the family

Look at the Amazon wish list for ideas or call FamilyWorks at 206-694-6727 if you have any questions. Alternately, if there is something a child you know likes, there is a good chance our families’ children might like it too!

We aim to have all items at FamilyWorks by December 9th. You can drop off items at FamilyWorks, 1501N. 45th St on Mondays 9:30-12, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 9:30-5, or Fridays 9:30-3.

Thank you for your help making a great holiday for all families in our community!

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