Gotta Love A Summer BBQ

This post was written by FamilyWorks volunteer Helen Eastwood.

With delicious potato salad, grilled hot dogs, beanadobe bbq 4 salad and tasty deserts the FamilyWorks Community BBQ sponsored by Adobe drew in more than 100 people. Music cheered the atmosphere in the hallway as Cora Morales performed.

Adobe bbq 1Adobe staff that volunteer with FamilyWorks initiated the idea for the BBQ. They wanted to create a friendly atmosphere to bring volunteers, customers, staff, board members and community members together for an afternoon of sharing. There was a steady flow of people sitting down and enjoying a break from the hubbub of life.Adobe bbq 3 The BBQ showed the great cross-section of the community served by FamilyWorks and people took time to get to know one another better.

Adobe bbq 5Overall the BBQ was a great success. It highlighted the breadth of community reached by FamilyWorks and got people talking and gave everyone a delicious, solid meal to be shared- all prepared by the Adobe Café Manager and his staff.

Thank you to Adobe for putting together this amazing event and thank you to everyone who attended!

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