GiveBIG is Coming

GiveBIG begins April 18th and ends May 3rd

*UPDATE – 4/26/16*

FamilyWorks has received a challenge grant of $5,000 from an anonymous donor!!!

This means that all donations, up to $5,000, will be matched dollar for dollar! AND this is on top of the GiveBIG match from the Seattle Foundation.

You can help us meet that challenge by CLICKING HERE and making your GiveBIG pledge today.



You’ve likely seen that phrase in a number of FamilyWorks blog and Facebook posts over the last couple of weeks. AND, if you’ve been involved with FamilyWorks during the last couple of years you’ll know that GiveBIG is the Seattle Foundation’s one-day, online, charitable giving event.

In 2015, 127 individuals made donations to Familyworks during GiveBIG! That’s crazy. Even crazier is that those donations were partially matched by the Seattle Foundation to the tune of over $2,000 (but more on that in a minute).

The money donated by those 127 individuals nourished Food Bank participants like Jenn, connected Resource Center participants like this family, and empowered families like Mike, Jennifer, and Caleb.

GiveBIG is an incrediblePatrica M.  event not simply because it raises a lot of money, but because it coalesces our community in support of our most vulnerable neighbors.

It is for that reason that we’d like to invite you to support FamilyWorks through GiveBIG. Here’s how you can do it:

1) Make A Donation –

  • May 3rd – For 24 hours (starting at midnight) if you make a donation to FamilyWorks via GiveBIG your donation will be partially matched by the Seattle Foundation (see, I brought it back). How cool is that?!?
  • April 18th – For the FIRST TIME EVER, starting April 18th, you can actually “schedule” your donation in advance of May 3rd and still have it count toward the GiveBIG total.

So, if you just can’t wait to make your GiveBIG donation CLICK HERE to “schedule” your donation. 




2) Spread The Word –

  • Through the month of April, we’ve been sharing stories (like this oneand this one) about the people and lives impacted by FamilyWorks. We would be honored if you could like our Facebook posts and forward any stories you’ve enjoyed reading.
  • Challenge your friends – if you decide to make a donation to FWX during GiveBIG challenge your friends to join you.

Needless to say, GiveBIG is kind of a “BIG” deal for FamilyWorks, and we would be honored if you’d partner with us by either sharing our stories or making a donation to FamilyWorks during GiveBIG . . . a donation that will nourish, connect and empower our most vulnerable neighbors.

If you have questions about GiveBIG you can call Joey at 206-694-6725.

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