FamilyWorks On Parade!

Many members of the FamilyWorks community joined us for our spot in the FamilyWorks Kiddies Parade today! We marched down 45th St. with bubbles, music, cheers of “Fam-lee-works! Fam-lee-works,” streamers, decorated musical instruments, and all kinds of costumes from pirates to giant flowers to fairies to ladybugs. The sun was shining, the kids were smiling, and all in all, it was a wonderful time. Thanks to Mayra for putting it together, and to Curtis for carrying one of our decorated poles, as well as to all the community members who were able to join us. Be sure to check out a small sampling of photos from the event on our Flickr page, and for the full set, become a fan of FamilyWorks on Facebook!P7110169

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