Born and raised in Seattle, Beija Bailes brings her full self through captivating vocals, making classic standards sound new while taking familiar rock ballads and making them swing. Whether she’s singing solo while playing piano, or backed by The Brooders – a full rockabilly band – Beija Bailes entertains as much through her music as through her smiles and audience connection.

Beija is super excited to be supporting FamilyWorks, a local non-profit dedicated to the well-being and nutrition of families across Seattle. Come see an amazing show and support FamilyWorks on June 16th at the Fremont Abbey.

  • For credit card donations, please use the form below.
  • For stock transfer donations, please follow these instructions.
  • Or, mail cash or a check made payable to FamilyWorks to P.O. Box 85420, Seattle, WA 98145

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