A Heartfelt Thank You to St. Benedict’s

from Will Lewis, FamilyWorks Board Member

This past Sunday, I was given an opportunity to talk about FamilyWorks to the congregation at St. Benedict’s. Deacon Roy Harrington and others in the parish have partnered with us over the last two years and are focusing on the issues of hunger in our community. I was able to thank them for their continuing support and gave them an overview of how their donations are being used and their impact maximized at FamilyWorks.

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FamilyWorks Board Member Will Lewis

St. Benedict’s parish is exactly the kind of community partner that FamilyWorks looks for and appreciates. The parish and school have a strong sense of social justice. They have been a continual presence in our neighborhood since the church was founded by Benedictine monks in 1906. They are eager to make a difference in our community.

Thank you, St. Benedict’s. You are a leader among all those who make Wallingford a more compassionate community.

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