Exciting News To Share!
Over the last few months we have been working on something pretty big here at FamilyWorks. Well, the time has finally come when we can talk about it. (drum roll please . . […]
GiveBIG is Coming
GiveBIG begins April 18th and ends May 3rd *UPDATE – 4/26/16* FamilyWorks has received a challenge grant of $5,000 from an anonymous donor!!! This means that all donations, up to $5,000, will […]
“Tuesday Social Group”
The following letter was written by one of our Food Bank participants. This participant wrote this letter voluntarily to explain why she was so grateful for the staff and volunteers […]
“This Is Our Favorite Place To Come.”
One of the lesser known gems of FamilyWorks’ programming is our Parent/Child Playgroups. “What is a ‘Parent/Child Playgroup?’” you say… Well, as Lauren Berntsen (our Family Programs Coordinator) tells us, “Some days, […]
Jerry’s Update #2
The following was written by Trish McNeil, wife of Jerry McNeil – FamilyWorks Board Member. Jerry is in Nepal climbing to the Everest Base Camp and raising awareness of the […]