The following was written by Hayley Berra, one of our Family Advocates, and the organizer of this year’s School Supply Drive.
I want to give the biggest thanks to everyone who donated and helped with the FamilyWorks School Supply Drive on August 25th. We had an amazing turnout—over 100 kids walked away with backpacks and needed school supplies! More families were able to pick up extra supplies in the days following our event. Many parents told me how grateful they were for the help, and it was wonderful to see the children get excited over choosing their own backpack and supplies. It was a day full of excitement, love and generosity of spirit. We look forward to next year’s event.

Two students showing off their new backpacks
We had many generous donations from both individuals and organizations. Gift of Grace Lutheran Church, here in Wallingford, even provided space to store the items.
Thank you to our donors: Wells Fargo, Verity Bank, Girl Scout Troop 44411, St. Andrew’s, Wallingford Presbyterian, Target, Gift of Grace Lutheran, Gothic Pride Seattle, Solid Ground and our friends: Lauren, Jake, Sylvia, Priya, Annabel, Heather, Sibby, Jesse, Kathryn, Victoria