What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 8

Today’s Storytelling post features Lexie, one of FamilyWorks’ Family Advocates. Our family advocates provide individualized guidance, information, resources, and support to assist individuals and families in meeting their basic needs and their […]

What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 7

Continuing our April Storytelling series, today’s post features Caroline, one of our amazing Food Bank volunteers. Caroline shares with us how the Food Bank helped her through a very difficult time in […]

What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 6

For the month of April we’ve been sharing stories from FamilyWorks’ participants, volunteers and staff members. On Tuesday we got to hear from Shaneika, a parent who has utilized our WIC program, and […]

What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 5

Today’s installment of our April storytelling series features Shaneika, a mother who utilizes our WIC services, Food Bank and one-on-one Advocacy services. In the video Shaneika tells us how FamilyWorks was able to support her during the […]

What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 4

For the fourth installment in our April storytelling series Leah, a former FamilyWorks intern, talks about what makes FamilyWorks so special to her. During the summer of 2014 Leah led our Parent/Child […]

What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 3

Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week! To celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Week, and also continue our April storytelling series, today’s post features Clare and Carson, two of FamilyWorks amazing volunteers. Did you know that in 2014 426 […]

What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 2

Continuing our April storytelling series today’s video features Molly Moon Neitzel. Molly is of course the founder of Molly Moon’s Homemade Ice Cream but she is also the founder of the Anna Banana Milk […]

What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me? – pt. 1

Today’s blog post kicks off an 8-part, month-long series on storytelling, in which members of our community answer the question, “What Does FamilyWorks Mean To Me?” The FamilyWorks community is unique and […]

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