2014 Reading Buddies

This post was written by Leah Knopf, FamilyWorks Program Coordinator.

Reading Buddies participant
Reading Buddies participant

FamilyWorks once again partnered with the Boys and Girls Club to run a successful summer Reading Buddies program! Volunteer tutors were paired with Boys and Girls Club participants to read, play and do fun literacy activities. Over 100 kids and 20 volunteers joined in throughout the 7 weeks. Studies have shown the importance of summer reading to a child’s academic achievement during the school year, especially for low income individuals.

Hand made puppet reads book!
Hand made puppet reads book!

Hand made puppets reads book!

It was a joy to see volunteers and kids connect and engage in reciprocal learning. Some pairs spent the sessions working through chapter books with eager suspense, and others passed books around in small groups to take turns reading. The program culminated in a celebration with art, story and poetry activities as well as pizza generously donated by Tutta Bella!

Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who contributed their time to this important program!

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