Community Connections Supervisor Job Application

The Community Connections Supervisor is a key role that reports directly to the Family Resource Center Manager. The Community Connections Supervisor operates the Community Connection and Resource Navigation Program at FamilyWorks locations and satellite sites throughout North Seattle. The Community Connections Supervisor identifies, secures, and cultivates partnerships with aligned community programs in areas like health services, education, housing, family support, food justice, etc., throughout the North Seattle service area.

To view the full job description (including qualifications, benefits, and salary range), click the button below.

To apply:
Deadline: Apply by Saturday, February 22, 2025.
Fill out and submit the online application via the form below.
Email your resume and cover letter to Human Resources at
In your brief cover letter, please address the following questions: Why do you believe you are a good leadership fit for FamilyWorks’ mission and work to support families in our community? What experiences have you gathered during your career that have prepared you to meet the core competencies and responsibilities outlined in the job description?

Our Agency is an equal opportunity employer and will consider all applications equally without regard to their race, color, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, religion, or political beliefs. This application will be given every consideration, but its receipt does not imply that the applicant will be employed.  Each question should be answered in a complete and accurate manner as no action can be taken on this application until all questions have been answered.