Save the date! Join us on October 23 for the 2022 Sunday Supper!

Thank you for a wonderful event! You can watch a recording of the livestreamed finale above.

2021 Sunday Supper At Home is here!

Purchase your meal kits today!

Join us virtually and in small groups to celebrate our community and support families and individuals on their paths to greater resiliency.

Like last year, we’ll be bringing you four days of participant stories and program updates, culminating in a live presentation on Sunday, October 24 at 5:30 PM, featuring a participant spotlight video and a live cooking demonstration by Seattle chef Tom Douglas!

On Thursday (10/21), Friday (10/22), and Saturday (10/23) we will be premiering video updates on our website, delivered straight to your inbox with no expiration so you can watch at your convenience. The excitement will culminate in a live cooking demonstration on Sunday evening (10/24) with Tom Douglas himself!

We’re looking forward to sharing this unique, virtual experience with you.

Below, you will find two buttons: click the first one to RSVP and let us know you’ll be watching on Sunday evening, or click the second if you can’t make it to the virtual event on Sunday, but would like to make a donation in-lieu of “attending.” If you’ve invited your friends or family to join you virtually or in-person, click here to let us know how we can help you have a great watch party!

Please order your meal kits by October 7, 2021.
For more information, contact Director of Development and Communications Joey Ashenbrenner at

*The Take Home Meal Kits are fully prepared dinners. Simply follow the simple instructions to reheat and enjoy, then learn how your meal was prepared as Tom Douglas walks us through the cooking process in his live demonstration! Each meal kit serves one person. 50% of your total purchase amount is a tax-deductible donation.

Thank you, 2021 Sunday Supper sponsors!

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